Putter, mid-range and driver from Westside Discs, Dynamic Discs and Latitude 64°. Sett of three easy to control discs with driver in very durable Opto plastic is suitable for all kinds of players from beginners to advanced.
Millisamtala: 47.700 kr.
Millisamtala: 47.700 kr.
8.500 kr.
Putter, mid-range og driver frá Westside Discs, Dynamic Discs og Latitude 64°.
Sett of three easy to control discs with driver in very durable Opto plastic.
Litir geta verið öðruvísi en á mynd – ef óskað er eftir ákveðnum lit og/eða þyngd skal skrá það í athugasemdaglugga í pöntun.
Putter, mid-range and driver from Westside Discs, Dynamic Discs and Latitude 64°. Sett of three easy to control discs with driver in very durable Opto plastic is suitable for all kinds of players from beginners to advanced.